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Hypertension/High Blood Pressure – Why Do so Many People Have It?

A large percentage of my adult patients are being treated for hypertension. 50 million Americans are diagnosed with hypertension, 1 billion worldwide. Another alarming fact is that 3% of children are diagnosed with hypertension and 16% have pre-hypertension. When your blood pressure is taken the pressure of the blood on the wall of the blood […]


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Mr. Jones we have your diagnosis.

  Diagnosis causes a range of emotions when we hear it. The range can be from basic concern to absolute fear and occasionally thank God somebody knows what is wrong with me. The word diagnosis is defined by the appearance of what is wrong. The actual disease itself. There is another definition of diagnosis- the […]


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Live Longer Now


Who doesn’t, but you should also want to live well. Insulin resistance- which most doctors call prediabetes. What is it, and why should I care if I don’t have diabetes? Insulin resistance is the condition where our body, or cells, are not sensitive to insulin. Our body reacts by increasing the amount of insulin in […]

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