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Are humans D-Evolving?

Human DNA adapts to the environment. The study of this adaptation is called epigenetics, which is highly studied in the scientific community. We usually think this in positive terms, changes in our DNA increase our resilience and health. In carefully looking at the U.S. health and healthcare outcomes we might draw the conclusions that our DNA is not adapting well to our environment. Reported in the Commonwealth Fund, the United States spends nearly 18% of GDP on healthcare yet Americans die younger and are far less healthy than residents other high-income countries. They continue, not only does the U.S. have the lowest life expectancy among high-income countries but also has the highest rate avoidable deaths. Recently it was found that colon, breast, and lung cancer are leading causes of death in younger adults under 50 years old. 12% of the US adult population has 5 or more chronic conditions. 59% of adults have at least one chronic illness. The Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey finds that 50% of adults ages 18-24 reported anxiety and depression in 2023.

It is my opinion that these statistics are self-inflicted. We are living in a very unnatural environment. There has been a steady increasing rate of chemicals in our environment. It has been reported that since 1950 chemical production has increased 50-fold. Of the 350,000 chemicals and use only a small number have been fully assessed for safety. Many of our foods are genetically modified, permitting liberal use of herbicides. And it is recognized that social media has a profound negative influence on our health in many ways. There is a genetic mismatch between our environment and our DNA.

Simple changes in our lifestyle can reverse these unhealthy changes. Switching to organic produce to eliminate cancer causing herbicides. Monitor the processed foods that you are consuming.  Reduce or eliminate social media and especially recognize what social media you are addicted to. Mend relationships, have meaningful conversations. Frequently walk in a natural environment such as the seashore or a wooded area. These are the things that are compatible with our DNA.

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