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Will my arthritis get worse as they age?

The diagnosis of arthritis really bugs me.  It seems to be a catch-all for musculoskeletal conditions that are not sufficiently evaluated.  Arthritis can be caused by autoimmune disease, trauma, rarely infection, and overuse/misuse of the joint. The overuse/ misuse diagnosis of arthritis is concerning to me. Once the diagnosis of arthritis is made, it immediately imprints the image that it will get worse as I age, nothing can be done.  I do not like any diagnosis that does not give a possibility of hope for improvement.  Of course there are terminal illnesses, but even in these cases there can be hope for things that are beyond this email.

Getting back to arthritis. If you had an x-ray that demonstrates arthritis. When you get up in the morning you are stiff and achy, later in the day you can move with relative ease without pain.  Did the arthritis go away? I have seen x-rays that show advanced degenerative joint disease (arthritis) with little or no pain and loss of mobility numerous times in my career.  Also, you must realize that interpretation of x-rays is subjective. Why is there a discrepancy between x-ray findings and a person’s function? Most if not all the pain is muscular. This is the reason that when you start moving the pain lessens. If you have sharp stabbing pain in the joint, this is caused by a degenerative change within the joint. Even this pain can be lessened by proper movement.

Movement is the engine for hope.  Stretching exercises are extremely important.  First it is best to warm up with a walk or other aerobic activities before you stretch.  However, this is not necessary. Do not put any barriers into your stretching program.  Moving the joints will help nourish the joints, preventing further arthritic change and improving function of the joint. If your pain worsens during the day, or you have sharp pain within the joint, this may not be the correct approach to your arthritis.  In this case observing your activities during the day may aggravate the joint.

Manipulation of the joints can be helpful.  As I discussed in previous emails that joint dysfunctions caused from tightening of the joint capsule around the joints can lead to arthritic change.  There are nutritional supplements that have been shown to help nourish the joints, preventing further arthritic change and improving joint function. I recommend a supplement called ChondroCare from Metagenics. You can order this through my account at First-time orders will receive a 10% discount.
It is important that you consult with a qualified health care professional for proper evaluation and developing a strategy to decrease pain and increase mobility. Of course I am available.

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