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A quote from a professor of medicine about arthritis

I would like to follow-up with the diagnosis of arthritis.  The following quote is by John McM. Mennell, M.D. In his textbook on joint pain. At the time he wrote this textbook he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine. As a side note, I have been trained under his technique of joint manipulation.

“There can be a few physicians who, at one time or another, have not been baffled by the clinical fact that, after a joint has been immobilized for any reason, there is pain and stiffness in it. It is striking that the pain will disappear only after this stiffness has disappeared. This situation exists even in the absence of clinically or radiographically demonstratable signs of pathological changes within the joint.  There are more times than there should be when such stiffness and pain persist; then, all too often, many of us tried to explain it away by telling the patient, in a rather nebulous way, that the symptoms are due to “arthritis,” and unavoidable complication.”

I thought that this was important to bring to your attention, confirming my last email regarding x-ray findings or the lack thereof, regarding the diagnosis of arthritis.  I feel obligated to draft these emails to educate people about what really goes on in medicine and chiropractic as well. Always be well informed and asked questions.

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